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Artprod has always been a company interested in space adventure. Producer Cedric Magnin would be one of the guests at the NASA and Apollo themed gala with the prestigious astronauts who walked on the moon, including Charlie Duke , Buzz Aldrin and Jack Schmidt. It was the place to meet Space X engineer and scientist in oder to develop Space movie project .

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LE 5E CAVALIER – NIFFF 2018 grand opening – screening 2018

Artprod was present at the opening of the NIFFF in the presence of David Cronenberg. An exclusive version was presented during this memorable evening – in the presence of the film crew .

In addition, Didier Graffet, an internationally renowned artist presented the original poster painting.

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LE 5E CAVALIER – Artrprod castle shooting 2018

Artprod is proud to co-produce the show by inviting Hollywood actor Robert Davi to the Chateau de Novery owned by producer Cedric Magnin .

The film team has reproduced the interior of the Vatican at the time of Innocent X, inspired by the work of Master Diego Velázquez.

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Artprod is proud to announce that it has won « Best Director Award » for Luke Goss in our production Your move at the 2018 ROMFORD FILM FESTIVALS.

Thanks to the wonderful cast and crew !!!

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Artprod is pleased to have the privilege to offer the presence of the moonwalker Edgar Mitchell from Apollo 14.

With Xenia Tchoumitcheva, Cedric Magnin had the honor to interview the famous NASA astronaut to allow the many guests from the canton of Schwitz to travel through the incredible stories of the Lunar adventure.

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Artprod is very proud of the marketing strategy offered during the cannes 2014 festival with the installation of posters in front of the facade of the palace Martinez.

The visuals have been realized by Stockholm design, the luxurious Los Angeles based agency responsible for the visuals of HUNGER GAMES – JOHN WICK 3 – RAMBO 4….

The unforgettable event was the the red carpet with all the cast from the film.

Exclusive interview of Snoop Dogg

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In oder to raise money to save the planet , Cedric Magnin was a guest at the charity event – between developing international movie project , Artprod is focus to help charity
