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Artprod is illuminated with multiple facets, like the intersidereal comets that bring life to hostile planets; it is a modern company that terraforms life through great artistic projects, Artprod navigates through different artistic and charitable fields.

Created in 2010 by the producer and art collector Cedric Magnin, Artprod has allowed many artists, singers, actors, directors … to produce their visions.

Many projects are in development and Artprod has surrounded itself with the best teams to bring them to fruition. Through the many festivals around the world and charity gala, Cedric Magnin breathes life into his projects.

From the astronaut who walked on the moon to the singer.
From the actor to the biomedical researcher.
From the artist to the scientist.

Artprod can be summed up in one motto: From the light will come the light…


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